
Thursday 24 May 2012

The Sapphire Sea

Across the beach, the wind does blow,
Shifting the sands, and touching the seas,
And heaven’s eye falling to the world’s edge,
With the blood of day cast across the blue yonder.
Twilight envelops the world in a dusky light,
And the great oceans reflecting the celestial beings,
Of day and night, and that of twilight.

The palms, they swing in the gentle breezes,
And the sea sways with the silvery moon,
The blue fathoms sparkling with a purity intangible,
With hues of crimson, blue, and green,
The salty smell of the sea does spread,
And the sound of the crashing waves,
They splash and crash, moving with the flow
The scars of the past are no longer as the setting sun,
Washes away the stains of souls.

The sea is dotted with flecks of colour,
The coral reef is dyed with the colours of the rainbow,
The vivid fish are moving specks of blue, red and greens,
The crystal clear ocean captures the eye,
All in a world under the blue deeps.

And as the sun quietly sets,
The light and warmth fade away,
Leaving only the mysterious moon,
To shine on the sapphire sea…

Monday 14 May 2012


Blue is the repentance of a sin that stains your name,
is the clear freedom of life, where nothing can hold you back,
is the coldness of a blizzard, where you have no choice but to march ahead,
is the tinkle of water splashing in the summer breeze,
is the sheer pain of broken love, where a future has been crushed,
is the sight of the future, in Father Time’s unpredictable prophecy,
is the nondescript, yet quenching taste of pure water, from nature itself,
is the moist and salty scent of the rains to come,
is the trickling of a bead of sweat, running down your forehead,
is the winter breeze, endowing the earth with coldness,
is the coolness of water, drenching your skin like a great flood,
        is the eternal yonder above us, bringing the endless cycle of day and night.

Day and Night

Locked within an eternal battle of celestial beings,
Two warriors, and their murderous feelings,
 One, a champion hailing from light,
And the other, a huntress of the night.

As the eye of heaven rises once more,
Day pierces the dark with blades, yet no gore,
And the white masses watching the fight with anticipation,
With night waiting until her liberation.

As the sun reaches its zenith,
Day glows with pride, just as the explorers at Plymouth.
But he knows his time is beginning to wane,
As the light begins to fade.

Suddenly, night attacks with all of her might!
Casting the blood of day and light,
Across the blue yonder, their battleground,
And the signal for night’s freedom begins to sound.

As day begins to die, night rules over their clash,
With no more traces of day’s bloody gash,
And the black starts to swallow the light of day.
“The light has been defeated!” night would say.

Night dons her bejewelled gown,
To boast of her victory, and bears her crown,
But as Father Time moves the eternal cycle,
Day begins to wake, his mind no longer idle.

As dawn breaks the deadly silence, night loses her power,
And day’s chance to regain his might, his hour,
Forever, the battle continues and rages,
For time will tell, their souls will dwell, their tale will be known for ages.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

A Warm Welcome to Poetry Readers

Hello, to all poetry readers! This is my blog on … well, it’s pretty self-explanatory. It’s all about my original poetry! If you like poetry, then please, keep reading on!
I’ll be writing mostly in free verse poems (there aren’t any set rules) although I might write a haiku or even a sonnet some time.

Leaving the condescending dog aside, I’ll be writing about all sorts of things; fantasy, love, life, and even things like school or gaming! And all from my wacky, but awesome imagination!

So, if you have any suggestions or just anything to say, feel free to leave a Comment! And if you like my poetry, please subscribe to this blog!
